A Permaculture Farm

Whispering Oaks:
A Permaculture Farm
Granted, perhaps calling Whispering Oaks a permaculture farm is something of a misnomer. Truth be told, we have no experience as permaculture farmers, and we’ve been at this for a grand total of one year. And when I say “we”, I refer not to an idealistic, enterprising young farm couple and their host of volunteer interns, but to my four youngest children and me.
Probably we should have called it Whispering Oaks: An Aspiring Permaculture Farm. Or, Whispering Oaks: An Evolving Permaculture Farm As Yet In Its Inceptional Stages. Or, Whispering Oaks: A Permaculture Farm Sans Creds.
But maybe that’s the whole point. We’ve come to learn that to establish a permaculture farm, all you really need is a commitment to do so. In the words of J.W. Goethe, “The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred… Unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.” If you believe that, and best not to presume you know more than Goethe, you can establish a permaculture farm. Providence will come to your aid as it has to ours.